tisdag 13 november 2012

Part 3

Here I am again, past deadline as always. My reading has been going well although a little bit slow. Working 40+ hours a week makes you a bit tired (poor excuse, I know). Anyway, I still like the book a lot and I'm really curious about what McMurphy might do next, he sure is a trouble maker. I've learned, ones again, that reading in english just is a little bit more difficult than reading in swedish, and it takes more time!

I don't know if the incident I picked is the most important one but it's one of those incidents that makes you think "Well, all hell is going to break loose now.". McMurphy ones again got on the Big Nurse's nerves, he made the paitients on the ward leave their duties and they all just sat around the tv and ignored her. After that the doctors and nurses had a meeting about McMurphy and they are talking about sending him to another hospital, a far more worse than the one his in now. I don't know if they are going to go through with the plans, but I'm shure McMurphy's in for a lot of trouble..

Reminisce - Minnas
Peers - Kamrater
Maudlin - Gråtmild
Monotony - Monotoni
Pathology - Patologi
Merely - Bara
Aide - Medhjälpare
Enthused - Entusiastisk
Ruffled - Ruffsig
Flurry - Uppsjö
Brim - Rand, kant
Rattle - Rassla
Mannerly - Väluppfostrad
Enforce - Genomdriva
Mist - Dimma
Regulation - Reglering
Chasm - Klyfta
Buck - Dollar
Notion - Begrepp
Noteworthy - Anmärkningsvärd

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