I've been reading One flew over the Cuckoos nest for a couple of weeks now but I've been a little slow when it comes to updating my blog.
After reading another fifty pages from the book I like it even more than I did in the beginning. It's a little difficult reading it though, beacuse it's so well written that all the horrible things that happens in the mental hospital gives you quite a few scary images in your head if you've got a good imagination. The few scenes from the movie that I can remember doesn't compare to the book, as it usually is. So far I've learned more about the english language when it comes to slang, because there's many slang words in the book and when the characters speak it's written exactly as it would sound like in reality, so sometimes you're not really shure what they actually say.
As I said before, when the characters speak, it's not formal, especially when one of the main characters McMurphy has something to say. Here's two examples:
"Is this the usual pro-cedure for these Group The'rpy shindings? Bunch of chickens at a peckin' party?"
"There! Damn you right there! That's where I want you workin' not gawkin' around like som big useless cow!"
The book is both narrative and with a lot of dialog, the sentences can sometimes be really long, at times a charachter has something to say for a whole page. When the book it narrative it's from the Indians perspective.
Stubble - skäggstubb
Straddle - Grensla
Frown - Rynka pannan
Squint - Kisa
Pecking - Picka
Crease - Veck
Sweep - Sopa
Crummy - Läskig
Ward - Avdelning
Devouring - Sluka
Bashful - Blyg
Tendencie - Tendens
Hostile - Fientlig
Manure - Gödsel
Schedule - Schema
Trembling - Darrande
Cornered - Satt i ett hörn
Strain - Spänna
Cardboard - Kartong
Transmitted - Överförs
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